
Well built, forest fruits and sunny orange peel flavors, long and layered taste

Growing Conditions

Winery: Zisola, Noto, Sicilia

- Vineyards location: 130 m.a.s.l.; S/E exposure
- Soil: Medium texture, calcareous and mineral
- Vineyards age: 10 - 15 years
- Training system: Head-pruned bush vines
- Nr. of vines per hectare: 5.550 plants

After a 2017 year characterised by severe drought, but with temperatures lower than the average, 2018 began with little rain which, however, did not affect the shoot growth from the end of March.
Spring was mild until May, when the climate dramatically changed, with a drop in temperature and very strong rainfall. Summer, too, was quite temperate, with many heavy showers; therefore, the harvest was postponed for 15 days.
This climatic trend continued throughout September, with mild temperatures during the day and cool ones at night, which favoured the proper ripening of the grapes. The result is satisfactory and confirms the results obtained in the previous years, with very elegant wines.
Beginning of the harvest: August 22nd
End of the harvest: September 28th
Rainfalls (sum of rainfall between April 1st and September 30th): 273 mm
Temperature Index (sum of average daily temperatures from April 1st to September 30th): 4130 °C
Evaluation: Good


Hand picked from September 6th


September 2019


- Fermentation temperature: 26 - 28 °C
- Period of maceration: 14 - 16 days


10 months in small french oak barrels (225 lt / 33% new)

Food Pairing

Spicy fish soups, savoury pasta and rice dishes, grilled red meats and vegetables